There are lots of great inflatable outdoor tents in our store, so everyone can find one or more that best suit its needs and budget alike. Also, when looking for such a tent, you should know what is going to be the purpose of the particular tent, i.e. How and where you are gonna use it. If you plan to use an inflatable tent for camping, there are many great models for this purpose. In the following content, you can read about 5 Yolloy inflatable tents for camping.
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Outdoor family camping tent
Many people like camping with their family, so this inflatable tent is ideal for families when going camping. Its external size is 4mL x 3mW x 2.7mH, while the internal dimensions are 4mL x 2.4mW x 2.4mH. Therefore, it is perfect for a small family of 3 or even 4 people if the children are also the members of a family. What makes it suitable for camping is the great portability and the small package size. You can transport such a tent in your car with ease, since the package dimensions are really small and hence it doesn't take a lot of space in the trunk of the car. Even better, you can also move it easily from one place to another due to its low weight – it is just about 55 kg. You can get it in a custom design, as we adapt the color, size, and print the logo as you like.

Sleep camping lodge
This inflatable sleep lodge is the ideal solution for camping. It is made from PVC tarps and have a nice design due to the bright orange color and nice shape. It weighs only 20 kg and dimensions are 2.3mL x 1.2mW x 1.25mH. Therefore, it is suitable for two adult persons to feel comfortable while sleeping inside the tent.

Outdoor camping unit tent
This middle-sized inflatable tent comes in white color and its size is 4mL x 3mW x 3mH. Moreover, this sealed camping tent is specially designed for four-member families to enjoy camping in different places, such as mountain, beach, meadow, by a river, and in other places far away from the city. With this beautiful tent, you will worry about the insects, since there are double window covers as well as the mosquito screens.

Outdoor inflatable shelter igloo tent
Although this igloo tent is not specially designed for camping, you can use it for this purpose among others. It is especially good for the group camping when more than five people want to camp together. As for the size, it is 3.5m high and 6 m in diameter. There are two tunnels in its construction which serve as entrance and exit. Besides the camping, it is ideal for an outdoor party alike.

Camping in igloo dome shape for cold weather
Here's another inflatable igloo tent that is good for camping in nature. It is made from waterproof PVC tarps, has 10 x 10m scope and it comes in nice orange color. This igloo dome has thick PVC walls, and therefore, it is good for cold weather and winter.
