I love outdoor sports very much, such as climbing and go hiking. I usually go out with my family or friends for such outdoor sports. Sometimes we need to stay outside at night and camping tent is required when there is no hotels in outside. But those common tents are too heavy to carry with and it is inconvenient for us to do outdoor sports. Fortunately I found the inflatable tent for camping on the Internet which has given me convenience.
As for our camping tent can be used on water ,beach ,mountains and so on. The whole set weight of inflatable shoal tent is only 33KG and after one time inflate, it can keep shape for many days. No need any other strctures suppor. Testing each tent before shipping.

In order to make a better tent, we are looking for any adjustments for our client. You can seel following strong D rings for anchoring, smootly easy catching handles and ventilation holes. For sure you will have a great time with our inflatable tent.

More detail inside our inflatable tent

Feedbacks from clients

As we all know, inflatable tent is a good product for outdoor staying. Following are some advantages it has:
Firstly, the inflatable tent is light and portable, which is convenient for us to carry with. Besides, it takes a little time to install the inflatable tent with the blower. So, when we are tired to climb to the top of the mountain or go hiking in outside, we don’t need to spend a lot of time and energy to install a tent.
Secondly, the inflatable tent is durable enough to be used for a long time because it is made of best PVC Tarpaulin material in China. Thanks to its high durability, fade proof and high tear strength, though it has been used for many times, it is still excellent without damage. So I’d like to carry it with me when do outdoor sports.
Thirdly, the inflatable tent is safe for use and suitable in all kinds of situations. Due to the PVC tarpaulin material, it is flame and water resistant. So when there is suddenly raining outside, we can stay in the tent where can protect us from being soaked. What’s more, it’s safe enough for us to stay inside.
Apart from those advantages above, I know there are many kinds of inflatable tents in size and color. In the picture, it is one kind of the inflatable tents. In addition, the manufacturers can technically design another one for clients as their requirement in size, shape and color. Furthermore, when we buy an inflatable tent, there are suitable blower certificated by CE/UL presented and repair kit of product.
What’s more, I appreciate the company’s attitude toward clients. If you have any questions about their inflatable products, you can obtain the very good response. I am sure you will also be fond of the inflatable tent if you buy one and it will bring you a lot of convenience when you have to stay outside at night.