People camping usually to enhance the feelings between family members and find more fun in life. More and more people use the outdoor family inflatable tent especially the outdoor inflatable PVC waterproof tent. There are many types of inflatable tents. Now, let this article help you choose a suit one.
The outdoor family inflatable camping tent is movable so you can carry it to everywhere conveniently. And the inflatable tent is quickly set up or pack up in a few minutes. If you want to use it in the rain, the outdoor inflatable PVC waterproof tent is perfect for you. In a word, you can use the outdoor family inflatable tent anytime and anywhere.
1. Various types of the outdoor tent, such as outdoor family inflatable tent, outdoor frame tent and beach tent.

2. The difference between inflatable tent and frame tent:
1)Weight: Metal frame is heavy and transportation is not convenient.
2)Set up: Inflatable tent is inflated with air pump.
3. Our product characteristics:
1)Various types or customized, as the following pictures show:

2)Usage: Camping Tent, Beach Tent, Party, Advertising, Military, Relief, etc.
3)Inflate or Deflate: With the air pump. Set up or pack up quickly.
4)Material: Commercial grade PVC, waterproof, fire resistant, good ventilation and durable.
5)Air Conditioning: Can be installed inside.
If you have any question about these outdoor family inflatable camping tent or want to know more about other outdoor inflatable tents, please feel free to contact us.