These life rafts are inflatable, meaning that they can be easily stored in a compact space until they are needed. When inflated, they provide a safe and stable platform for passengers to ride out an emergency until rescue arrives.

It has the advantages of small size, lightweight, easy to store, simple landing device, simple and quick operation, better ability to defend against wind and rain, sun, wave and cold, and better lifesaving effect. It is suitable for fishing vessels operating in the domestic class II zone and can be used to escape from dangerous areas in an emergency.
While it is true that no one wants to find themselves in a situation where they need to use an emergency inflatable life raft, it is reassuring to know that they are available to help protect passengers in the event of an emergency. By always ensuring that your marine vessel has a properly maintained and well-stocked life raft, you can have peace of mind knowing that you have taken a crucial step towards ensuring the safety of those on board.
Different dimension,shape and color can be made from YOLLOY. If you need one, please don't hesitate to contact with us.