A tent is obbligato for outdoor camping. The ordinary tent is common today because there are another special tent and it makes camping more colorful and enjoyable. Its name is inflatable bubble lodge.
Here is a picture and some details of inflatable bubble lodge.

Item : CT-016
Size :Tunnel: 2m×2m×2m
Main dome: 4m diameter, 3.3 mH
Branch dome: 2.5m diameter
As you can see from the picture,the inflatable bubble lodge is pink and it looks shine. This is the result of light, you can change the light’s color, then the color of the bubble lodge can be change. Its changeful color can beautify the atmosphere where you put your inflatable tent.
This kind of tent can be used in many occasions. For example, it can be used in parties, exhibitions, parks, family camping and so on. You can also put it in your garden and admire the stars at night because its dome is transparent. Its size is big enough for you to put some furniture in it and it can be your shelter.
The inflatable bubble lodge is similar to other inflatable product that it can be fold, so you can fold it up when you don’t need it.
If you are satisfied with it, click on www.yolloy.com and make an appointment. You will have one in several days.